Comment on What does Lemmy think of Daniel Supernault or on mastodon? 6 days ago
I don’t really know who he is, but then again, who are you to be “calling him out” for “making no progress” on anything?
Don’t take that as a personal attack, by the way. I just think you should probably be less invested in trying to manage random strangers on the internet, and instead focus on your own progress with whatever you’re trying to do in life.
If you’re excited about Loops and you want to see this dude make progress faster, you’re not going to achieve that by bugging him about it on social media–that achieves nothing at all. 6 days ago
“making no progress” is Short hand for the events of the really long story, but it’s funny how you have zero context. If you want the story I’ll tell it 6 days ago
Well, I’m not really that interested, to be honest. Sorry/
I just wanted to remind you that you’re not this dude’s manager, and it’s probably not really your place to be worrying about his rate of progress.
If you want him to do something for you, maybe find out some way to pay him, otherwise just sit on your hands and wait for him to do whatever he ends up doing, because pestering people on social media is never going to achieve anything other than getting you blocked. People don’t like being bothered, especially not by random dudes on social media.
If you’re excited about loops (or any other FOSS development), then the best way to express that is just by telling people how excited you are, not trying to grill them like you’re their boss or something.
That’s just my opinion as a FOSS developer of 6+ years. 6 days ago
Btw I only read like two sentences because the rest is obviously you wanting to be on you high horse over 2 sentences. Also you don’t know the story so your not going to say anything useful 6 days ago
Because you gave none. 6 days ago
That explains the zero context they have 6 days ago
But you are refusing to give any. You only want us to take your side.