2 weeks ago
…where immigrants are objectified and treated exactly as disposably and thoughtlessly as the droids are in Star Wars.
It actually really bothers me how Star Wars loves to charm the audience with charismatic clearly sentient robots and yet doesn’t give a fuck about ANY of the ethical implications except for the occasional flavor sideplot. I am honestly tired of people normalizing this and laughing it all off cus arent the robot slaves cute when they grumble?
They are sentient, it is fucked up to deal with it extremely inconsistently but it demonstrates a stunning lack of understanding of the responsibility storytellers have to subvert dehumanizing narratives in all their forms. 2 weeks ago
Sadly, Star Wars mostly just reflects one single white man’s subconscious understanding of that culture (George Lucas). Just in the fact that Trek was written by many (yes, Roddenberry was very important but not the only voice) makes it more interesting, at least to me.