Comment on GOP Proposes $4.5 Trillion Tax Giveaway to the Rich While 'Ransacking' Food Stamps and Medicaid 2 weeks agoI deleted it because I’m not interested in picking a fight on his topic but
Our internal politics are probably more important than the entirety whatever country you live in. We spend way too much on our military for you not to pay attention.
Even a “good guy” like you can’t seem to get out of this mindset that Americans are the most important.
When it comes to global politics I care as much about your slide into fascism as I do about any other. It’s closer to home for me, but these are global trends and caused by you.
If you all adopted more of a global worldview instead of this exceptionalism and dominance oriented worldview we’d all be better off.
The main difference in this presidency is just that it’s mask off and former allies are no longer treated like they’re part of the Imperial core. You’ve been doing this to everyone else under both teams. 2 weeks ago
Generalizations of a single person based on where they live make for bad assumptions about them. I do not subscribe to American exceptionalism. I did as a child raised in a republican household, but not as an adult.
I do generally agree though. Most US citizens see themselves as superior to others. I hope the next 4 years help those people see otherwise, but probably not. 2 weeks ago
fair enough maybe I passed judgement too quickly or read too deeply into your comments