Comment on Windows feature that resets system clocks based on random data is wreaking havoc ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

This bug has created havocs for me. We had a “last synchronized” time stamp persisted to a DB so that the system was able to robustly deal with server restarts / bootstrapping on new environments.

The synchronization was used to continuously fetch critical incident and visualize them on a map. The data came through a third party api that broke down if we asked for too much data at a time, so we had to reason about when we fetched data last time, and only ask for new updates since then.

Each time the synchronization ran, it would persist an updated time stamp to the DB.

Of course this routine ran just as the server jumped several months into the feature for a few minutes. After this, the last run time stamp was now some time next year. Subsequent runs of the synchronization routine never found any updates as the date range it asked for didn’t really make sense.

It just ran successfully without finding any new issues. We were quite happy about it. It took months before we figured out we actually had a mayor discrepancy in our visualization map.

We had plenty of unit tests, integration tests, and system tests. We just didn’t think of having one that checked whether the server had time traveled to the future or not.
