Then dry with normal paper afterwards.
Have never really found this to be necessary. But yeah - just buy and use baby wipes.
Comment on I am a meat crayon 3 weeks ago
You should consider wet wipes. They are a total game changer, if a bidet is not an option. When you think the worst is gone, use one (1). Then dry with normal paper afterwards. It’s great.
Don’t flush them before making absolutely, 100% shure they decompose tho! If you can’t easily tear them with your hands, no matter what the packaging says, they will fuck up your plumbing. This can get really expensive, so when in doubt, use a trash can.
Then dry with normal paper afterwards.
Have never really found this to be necessary. But yeah - just buy and use baby wipes. 3 weeks ago
That’s expensive and wasteful but I guess some people will do whatever they can to not eat fibre. 3 weeks ago
I said you can use a bidet. Or have a poopy butt and live in denial if you prefer