That’s just a quirk of the English language. In Brazil we also call them “North Americans” instead of Americans, because Americans refer to all countries and peoples in the Americas.
Comment on Apple, Microsoft Joining Google Using Gulf of America in Maps Programs 2 weeks ago
OsmAnd still holding out! I will never not call it the Gulf of Mexico.
I think the world should stop calling USians americans. America is a huge place spanning 2 continents encompassing so many different cultures uniquely American. I always thought it was weird calling Mexicans in the US, Mexican American. It’s like saying American American. Wouldn’t Mexicans in Mexico also be Mexican Americans? Just never felt right to me. 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
That’s exactly how I think of it, Americans are the peoples of the America’s, North, Central and South. The people in the US should not hold a monopoly on that name as it somehow infers that the rest of the Americas are somehow less American and their just not. Maybe I’m looking at it wrong as i grew up in the US and we regularly refer to ourselves as american and the rest of the America’s just don’t do that because of our cultural and linguistic differences. Maybe more a remnant of imperialism than a quark of the english language. 2 weeks ago
In Spanish you say “estadounidense” which is pretty much “unitedstatesian”.