Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 4 weeks ago
Well, most of my music collection lies as mp3. I care about metadata and all of them have tags. I would love to convert my collection to opus but first I need FLACs and an easy way to move over metadata, since vorbis is different than ID3tag. Do you know a streamlined way for this? 4 weeks ago
For FLAC you have torrents, no legal way to have that. For tags I use but it’s not moving tags, it’s detection and looking up on a database on the internet. 4 weeks ago
For Flac you have digital market places and CDs you can obtain from store fronts and private sellers like flea markets or shops like ebay or discogs.
Or torrents and DDL. 4 weeks ago
I actually used discogs a lot in the past. They can be quite expensive at times. Though this will be a mix of everything since not everything can be obtainable legally, at least for my archive. 4 weeks ago
If I juat want one song and flac isnt expensive to buy digitally I’ll buy it.
But if they want somethibg like 3€ per song I’d bail and pirate it.
Discogs is only if I really want it the CD and it’s out of sale. Else it’s usually less expensive to buy it from the official store.
But if I had to choose between discogs and ebay, I’d prefer discogs due to more information about the release and condition. 4 weeks ago
Thanks, it certainly looks useful.