Most established hosters would be fearful to run an instance of peertube. Costs could balloon out of nowhere and would only increase with time. There is no way donations would keep up with costs, and charging to watch or a subscription would never take off.
Comment on Is PeerTube dead or is discoverability bad? 3 weeks ago
It’s really just missing a great instance. Most of them look really shady or are not accepting new users. 3 weeks ago 3 weeks ago
Check the out the pinned post here about instances: ! 3 weeks ago
There are no great instances because all federation is opt-in.
There’s also no general, standard “Peertube affiliated” instance that tries to federate with as many others as possible.
I think there were just some very poor design decisions made for the platform by people who don’t know what they’re doing.
Ex: Blurring sensitive videos blurs the title as well, without the option to change it.
The community doesn’t help because most instances have “request an account” nonsense or literally don’t allow users to upload videos.
I re-iterate my previous comment: “most instances are just places where the owner can jerk themselves off for excluding everything.”
There will be great peertube instances, but the culture needs to change first. 3 weeks ago
Do we need to start over? Like fork PeerTube and fix all the “We choose to do this wrong because our parents didn’t hug us as children” problems? 3 weeks ago
No, I don’t think it’s anywhere near that bad.
I just think that going forward, Peertube developers and instance owners should make the platform more accessible and interconnected.
It’s a bigger responsibility to actually host content instead of just links to content, which I don’t think most peertube instance owners can handle. 3 weeks ago
But federating with other instances IS links to content, not hosting content. 3 weeks ago
Check out the pinned posts here: ! for info on instances that fits your needs.
You can mouse over the blurred title and see what it is.