Some people will say the origin is Christ’s death. But even reading that story it’s clear that Europeans and Israelites weren’t on good terms then either.
Further, early Jewish Christians were persecuted by the Pharisees and other Jews who were angry with their breaking Moses’ Law. It was probably only natural to gradually amp up the anti-Jewish sentiment as the Gospels were written because there were open beefs happening in daily life. 4 days ago
Pogroms were common throughout Europe for hundreds of years. Because Christians were forbidden from lending money at interest Jews were the ones doing the banking.
When a ruler got too far into debt they’d incite some religious hatred and miraculously be out of debt, because their creditors were dead or missing. 4 days ago
“Expelling the Jews” is a mechanic in Crusader Kings 2. And it gets abused like it did historically, too- borrow a shitload of money and then expel the Jews. Suddenly you found free money. 1 day ago
Is this a feature in CK3? 1 day ago
I don’t know. I have played very little CK3.