Comment on Single-photon LiDAR delivers detailed 3D images at distances up to 1 kilometer 4 weeks ago
Really cool, but really scary, all I see is facial biometrics from 1 km away.
Comment on Single-photon LiDAR delivers detailed 3D images at distances up to 1 kilometer 4 weeks ago
Really cool, but really scary, all I see is facial biometrics from 1 km away. 4 weeks ago
Hello sir, I’m an not from the government and would like to show you something off in the distance for about 3 seconds if you will. Step forward where I’ve carefully marked the street with blue painter’s tape. Do not smile. Did you see it? No? Good!. Well what it is, its ah… Don’t worry about it. Good day sir. What are you talking about? I asked you to step where? I did no such thing. I’m just a normal person living in the city.