BTW I went and read through the studies someone sent me in that thread and turns out the graphs from those studies show that trans women are more similar to cis men than to cis women in all metrics.
Which of the studies said that?
Because I’ve been reading through them myself and all I’m getting is stuff like:
This which says:
Results In this cohort of athletes, TW had similar testosterone concentration (TW 0.7±0.5 nmol/L, CW 0.9±0.4 nmol/), higher oestrogen (TW 742.4±801.9 pmol/L, CW 336.0±266.3 pmol/L, p=0.045), higher absolute handgrip strength (TW 40.7±6.8 kg, CW 34.2±3.7 kg, p=0.01), lower forced expiratory volume in 1 s:forced vital capacity ratio (TW 0.83±0.07, CW 0.88±0.04, p=0.04), lower relative jump height (TW 0.7±0.2 cm/kg; CW 1.0±0.2 cm/kg, p<0.001) and lower relative V̇O2max (TW 45.1±13.3 mL/kg/min/, CW 54.1±6.0 mL/kg/min, p<0.001) compared with CW athletes. TM had similar testosterone concentration (TM 20.5±5.8 nmol/L, CM 24.8±12.3 nmol/L), lower absolute hand grip strength (TM 38.8±7.5 kg, CM 45.7±6.9 kg, p=0.03) and lower absolute V̇O2max (TM 3635±644 mL/min, CM 4467±641 mL/min p=0.002) than CM.
And this Which says:
Key Findings Key Biomedical Findings Biological data are severely limited, and often methodologically flawed. There is limited evidence regarding the impact of testosterone suppression (through, for example, gender-affirming hormone therapy or surgical gonad removal) on transgender women athletes’ performance. Available evidence indicates trans women who have undergone testosterone suppression have no clear biological advantages over cis women in elite sport.
Both of which were cited in the articles OP linked. 11 hours ago
go fuck yourself hope you get eaten by a crocodile you thick aussie fuck 10 hours ago
Wow how respectful what an excellent good faith engagement of ideas. I’m so glad to see ur true colours. I have an opinion based in my real world experience and scientific journals. You call for my death. Equality. 3 hours ago
No, you have an opinion based on fascist pseudoscience and defend it with pathetic tone policing when people rightfully call out your compliance in trans genocide. Eat my shit and hair, nazi pig. 10 hours ago
Why should we engage in good faith on your “ideas” of wanting to fucking murder us with your bigotry? Unironically, the world would be better off without you. 10 hours ago
If u read what I wrote instead of having a temper tantrum u would understand I defend ur right to do as u wish with ur own body.
What u want me to do about that? 10 hours ago
yeah basically i hope you choke. eat shit asshole 8 hours ago
that escalated quickly