Such situations would regularly arise till early XX century and even now, so, eh, humanity tries everything. I wouldn’t assume I know a solution.
Such situations would regularly arise till early XX century and even now, so, eh, humanity tries everything. I wouldn’t assume I know a solution. 4 weeks ago
Ironically, religion seemed to be helping. And before that (before humanity itself), tribes. An extension of "self" to include other who nonetheless were not "other", at least not fully. But people seem to prefer wanting to game the system,
allowingforcing others to put into while themselves pulling out from.The age of enlightenment did much good to expose religious corruption, yet offered an inferior product to replace it: "knowledge", which so few people know how to properly handle, lacking training. e.g. in the USA we *knew*, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that most people were too busy and tired to properly educate themselves, yet we placed no restrictions upon voting (like a college degree, or even a test as simple as asking how many branches of government there are - which even that would cause many people to fail).nor did we offer the requisite aid (like a livable minimum wage, or conversely access to a minimum form of healthcare) to help people to help themselves, nor did we keep watch against the predators that would take advantage, e.g. safeguarding the media (instead allowing it to be bought out by billionaires, rather than staying true to the mission of doing "journalism", the seeking out and reporting of actual truth facts).
We brought this upon ourselves. Even if Donald Trump were to have a tragic accident tomorrow, even if the entire Republican party were to disappear into thin air, or all politicians combined, we would still be left with a broken system, just as before. We cannot escape the laws of Nature (whether put there by a God or not, but it's worth noting that for those who believe in such, He agrees that we deserve this fate).
Even so, I hope for better. I don't know what, or how, only that I need such for the sake of my own sanity.