Comment on Tough question 3 weeks agoYou ruined my day by reminding me that a third of people believe in astrology
Comment on Tough question 3 weeks agoYou ruined my day by reminding me that a third of people believe in astrology 3 weeks ago
Yup. 3 weeks ago
I think it has an effect, not inherently, but only because we then standardize schooling based on birth year, not actual age. Starting at four years and one month vs four years and eleven months (where I am, it starts even earlier, at two years and six months/three years and five months for kindergarten) means students are in a wildly different developmental stages. I don’t think it’s necessarily a lifelong thing, but at least during school, the kids who start at a later age are better at sports, so they’re more likely to make sports teams, which certainly affects your personality.
I would never say that I believe in astrology though. 3 weeks ago
That has nothing to do with astrology though. Astrology has zero effect. 3 weeks ago
Sure, but it’s the time of year (indirectly) affecting your personality, so it felt relevant