It’s more about how does the game function at release is there a performance issue that would prompt a hardware upgrade.
It’s not a dig at the game I’m sure it’s great but these websites are frequently paid for a good review.
Civ is known for having issues at release just because its such a giant game to program 4 weeks ago
Individual Steam reviews may be trash but the average rating is valuable and usually pretty reliable. The biggest downside of the system is that it isn’t quick to “respond” to updates but the separate “Recent” rating helps a lot.
The point you’re responding to is that C:S 2 was praised by reviewers at launch despite it having TONS of issues and missing features. The Steam ratings were a way more accurate picture of the game. 4 weeks ago
You can read into individual reviews rather than just looking at the aggregate. Plenty pointed out its problems. 4 weeks ago
You can use both :)