Someone doesn’t understand what anarchism is. Opinion discarded. Please read a book and return.
Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 4 weeks ago
Anarchy sounds good to me then someone asks “Who’d fix the sewers?” 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
This is the opportunity to share resources and give them a direction to head, and you missed it. 4 weeks ago
Probably the people who own the sewers.
Let me rephrase the question, who will fix the potholes? 4 weeks ago
who will fix the potholes?
Make the libertarians do it! /s
Idk, ive fixed a pothole or two that bothered me near home, but yeah, I’m not doing a whole city lol
I think though that once people realize the onus is on them to fix things, people will start to fix things. Provided of course, that they have the means and ability to do so.
And then, there are still companies which can be hired to do these things, provided someone is willing to pay them 4 weeks ago
Thats something I find fascinating. People hear anarchy and assume the end of commerce because it would inherently mean an end to capitalism, presuming we arent talking about some weird ancap philosophy that I can’t make sense.
Commerce has happened for forever, and changing forms of government will not change that.
Thats not the part I find fascinating though, its that people discussing anarchy tend to cede this argument without a fight.
If you do so, an implied argument of anarchy gets lost: “there is no such thing as unskilled labor.”
This isnt generally considered a point for anarchy, but it is. In an anarchist system, you have the agency to decide your role in your community. This means you WILL specialize, as we all do as humans; even the generalists of us aren’t generalists at everything. I for one would make a shitty translator, as i only speak English.
There would need to be some means of getting labor done by someone who knew how to do it, this ought to feel natural to most of us anyway… I mean I assume you guys try to help your friends at stuff you are good at that they aren’t. I similarly assume you’re generally compensated for this behavior, even if it isnt with currency as we generally consider it. 4 weeks ago
It’s a Dead Kennedy’s song and do people own the sewers in anarchism. 4 weeks ago
My experience organizing non-profit events have shown that most people actually have no problem doing dirty jobs for no material compensation. If the following things are true:
- They understand why the job is important
- They feel responsible for the job (usually comes from being given autonomy and trust)
- They get recognition for doing it (social rewards are actually very powerful)
- No one else is getting compensated either.
I understand that this seems foreign to a lot of people, because this is not how work is generally motivated in capitalist society. You are used to your job being rather unimportant, with little autonomy, little trust, not much recognition from society and some people definitely profiting more than others. Your primary motivator is the threat of violence (via homelessness, starvation etc.), so it’s hard to imagine what would happen if that was removed.
That to me is the core idea of Anarchism, to base your organization on volontary cooperation rather than coercion.
An interesting side-note is that the people who do the dirty jobs in these circumstances often take great pride in it, forming an identify around doing what others are not willing to and calling attention to it as a way to get more recognition. 4 weeks ago
non-profit events and mucking a sewer are very different. 4 weeks ago
I assumed it was just a very dirty, tough job requiring some specialized equipment and skills. Are you saying it’s somehow fundamentally different from other human activities? 4 weeks ago
Yes I believe organizing and doing are very different and sewer work falls firmly into an area of work that most wouldn’t do without substantial gain for that work. Humans are not inherently altruistic on that level 4 weeks ago
Anarchist response would be “people who want functioning sewers, which should be everybody.”
Yeah it’s a dirty job. So is wiping your ass. Does someone need to threaten you to wipe your ass? Take a shower? When your toilet breaks at home do you shrug and just shit on the bathroom floor?
No, you fix the toilet. Same with the sewers. 4 weeks ago
Ok and who does that end up being? 4 weeks ago
Whoever steps up first. For a sewer, probably several people. What’s your point? 4 weeks ago
Most aren’t capable ir willing to do this work without substantial compensation above and beyond what most jobs provide.