Plot twist, you were a cute baby but just have low self esteem.
Comment on Anyone ever look at pictures of themselves as a child and feel no connection to them? 5 weeks ago
It goes a step beyond for me.
I look at kid pictures of myself and think I was an ugly looking baby. Everyone else thinks I was cute. Which I take to mean everyone is being polite, but I couldn’t care less because I don’t remember being that kid whatsoever. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Everyone else thinks I was cute. Which I take to mean everyone is being polite
I don’t know if this helps, but someone who loves the adult-you will absolutely look at your baby photos through the same filter as they look at you now. They’ll see those photos as a little peek into the past of someone they already like. So you could genuinely be ugly as hell as a kid–but if they like you now, that’s not gonna matter to them, you’ll be cute.
This doesn’t have such a large age-gap, but someone I knew had a crush on me looked at my employee photo (that I fucking HATED) and decided they liked my “little smirk”. Why did they love the photo I hated? Because they had an emotional connection to me (on their side at least) anyhow. 5 weeks ago
Your sentiments are appreciated and we need more reminders like this out in the world in these dark times.
Yeah, family and loved ones will always have that bias because people are more than their physical appearance. Thoughts, attitudes, habits, feelings, kin. You love someone for all of those reasons and more.
But if I saw a doppelgänger child I’d be lying right to the parents faces to remain cordial.
YMMV. Highly subjective and all 5 weeks ago
All babies looks ugly to me… I think its a social construct to say babies are good looking…
Or maybe just a different “beauty” category. 5 weeks ago
Yeah this is in line with how I see babies and kids, so that’s gonna explain some of it. It’s definitely an unwritten rule to say babies are cute.
Though my cousin had a couple kids and the youngest was the exception to the rule when he was like 2-6, just the cutest little thing.
So I don’t know. 5 weeks ago
Well why not? Some pretty ones should exist…