Comment on aussie pride worlwide 5 weeks agoWell, not really they have face recognition on the entrance to see if you match one of the scum bags beating their staff or stealibg shit and it’s deleted, there’s no tracking. If you do match there security staff are alerted.
Taking them at their word, your image is deleted after 0.2s and they have no idea who you are anyway. Your anonumous scan just doest match said scum bag.
I’m ok with it if what they say happens does happen, an audit by the privacy commissioner should conform that either way and then thy can clear them or expose them. Instead they just said don’t do it.
It’s nothing like biomteric scans at airports where who you are is matched to your facial scan. 5 weeks ago
Nah, their reasoning is crap.
Facematching your local methhead does fuck all - he’s not gonna listen to staff banning him and cops will claim they can’t do anything with the footage. So that excuse is right out the window
They also don’t delete it - already copped a foot up the arse in that regard that they’re challenging.