Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 4 weeks ago“I need auto braking so I can scroll Ticktok”
Comment on Emergency Braking Will Save Lives. Automakers Want to Charge Extra for It 4 weeks ago“I need auto braking so I can scroll Ticktok” 4 weeks ago
Too many people are incapable of getting behind the wheel of a vehicle and committing 100% of their attention and energy into driving that vehicle.
I have my phone with maps to my destination and music playing but once I am driving I never touch the phone again. My family knows if they text me while I am driving I will never see it. They have to call me to get me to answer on my hands free if they need to get in touch with me while I am driving.
Even at stop lights I’m checking my mirrors constantly. I have avoided being rear ended twice by seeing someone coming up behind me with too much speed and then I jump outta the way into an open spot beside me. 4 weeks ago
Honestly I don’t even do that. I’m both Autistic and ADHD which means that I am very monotropic. I can’t divide my attention since I can only focus on one thing at a time. I also have time blindness so if I were to focus on something like the radio I would get distracted. (Which is probably what happens to a lot of people) 4 weeks ago
How fascinating. I have ADHD and I find the music helps me stay awake and focused. If I’m in a silent car I just want to take a nap lol. 4 weeks ago