Criminal or not the golden rule has been around for a long time. People know that which is reprehensible, it’s those things that they do not wish to be done to them.
Lots of people eat meat today. I can imagine a future where this is seen as immoral and not following the golden rule. But for some reason, humans currently choose not to apply the golden rule to animals.
Similarly in the past, they didn’t apply it to indigenous people. 5 weeks ago
Criminal or not the golden rule has been around for a long time. People know that which is reprehensible, it’s those things that they do not wish to be done to them. 5 weeks ago
So have wars over land
Welcome to the world, there’s a reason we signed up to a 300 billion dollar deal for some submarines and it’s not because we enjoy the look of them 4 weeks ago
Lots of people eat meat today. I can imagine a future where this is seen as immoral and not following the golden rule. But for some reason, humans currently choose not to apply the golden rule to animals.
Similarly in the past, they didn’t apply it to indigenous people.