Comment on Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury -- Dare I say... not "woke" enough!? 4 weeks ago
I agree that this show got too complex for its own good. I’ve seen a lot of speculation that maybe it was originally intended to have more episodes and that’s why the second season felt so rushed.
As an aside, The Witch From Mercury has some of the best budget model kits Bandai has ever made. Something like the High Grade Aerial kit, which can be found for <$20 USD, would be a great choice if someone wanted to give building gunpla a try. 4 weeks ago
Cool news about the Gunpla. I’ve never made a model but I’m getting dangerously close to getting into it after watching all of this Gundam stuff recently. I wonder how the GQuuuuuuuuuux models are going to be? 4 weeks ago
So far I think they’ve only announced a model for the GQuuuuuux itself, though others will doubtless follow. A few youtubers have gotten their hands on the kit, and impressions seem mostly positive. It looks like it’ll have great articulation, but some of the finer details will be achieved with stickers rather than increasing the number of plastic pieces. That isn’t unusual, and the stickers are decently nice so it’s not a huge deal, but it’s nice to not need to bother with them. Of course you can paint those parts instead, but there are plenty of people who won’t want to do that.
It’s actually been out in Japan for a few days now, so hopefully we’ll get some English reviews soon. 4 weeks ago
On one hand, it’s a very affordable hobby. $20-30 for a well made kit is an absolute steal in the modeling realm, and puts most actions figures in that price range to shame.
On the other, it’s a very expensive hobby… there’s just… so… much. If you’re someone who leans towards completionnaire’s disease, consider this your warning lol.
But it really does bring another lever of appreciation and immersion to the shows. The newer kits especially let you inspect all the little details that just flash by on the screen. Gunpla is a big part of why Gundam both took off and persisted this long. It’s not required, but it adds so much. 4 weeks ago
The other day I stumbled upon this 3 year old Tested video where they put together a “Perfect Grade” Gundam and they were really impressed by the intricate level of design and engineering that went into it, and I have to say I was too.
To see all of the moving parts underneath the outer armor/shell and the engineering involved to making it all work (not to mention have it stand up even under pretty extreme poses) was damn impressive. At this point I’m more worried about clutter than anything I think. lol 4 weeks ago
That kit is the pinnacle of Bandai engineering… for now. They’re eventually going to top it because that’s what they do. It’s really amazing how much they’ve innovated over the years.