And all the bigoted right wing European governments are what?
All the unelected head of states in Europe are democratic?
Comment on The State of Lemmy (drama) 1 month ago
America isn’t a true democracy. There’s gerrymandering, and electoral college, and first past the post. But it used to have one little bit of democracy left at the federal level. And then America voted for Trump.
Kamala didn’t even get the popular vote. Because Americans didn’t think it was worth trying to win that like they did in 2016. The popular vote is the bragging rights to say the government doesn’t represent the people, and Americans didn’t want it.
So, Americans chose to be thought of by the world as fascists. Not all of them, but most of them didn’t get up and choose otherwise. Few enough said no, that more were able to say yes. The default American image is a fascist. Nobody should be beholden to a default image, but that is the starting point. The mode average.
And all the bigoted right wing European governments are what?
All the unelected head of states in Europe are democratic?
You’re right, monarchs aren’t democratic. Which means, monarchs have no claim to represent the will of the people. The English have no choice in who King Charles is, so he doesn’t reflect on him. The Americans had a choice in Trump and they decided they wanted him over Kamala. So he’s reflective of who they are.
Monarchs are still popular enough to keep their symbolic role, otherwise they would have been disposed.
The topic regularly comes up in the UK, Belgium, Spain, Denmark etc. The usual consensus in those countries is that the monarchy brings some stability between the governments. Also, when you look at the French and the lifetime salaries and benefits they pay their former presidents, republics are not automatically that much cheaper.
Monarchs are still popular enough to keep their symbolic role, otherwise they would have been disposed.
Not necessarily. This just means that the issue of the monarchy isn’t important enough to most people to start a violent revolution over it or make it their main issue to vote on (if there even are parties making it part of their agenda to remove the monarchy).
And all the bigoted right wing European governments are what?
Which ones? At the moment I only see Italy and Hungary.
France’s far-right can’t come to power as the other two third of the Parliament is Left and Center blocks.
UK is labour:…/Premiership_of_Keir_Starmer
The Dutch are in a coalition with the Centrists and the Farmers:
Germany has to vote again in February:
Even Austria has a Centrist government:
The European Parliament 2 first groups are Center-Right and Left:…/Tenth_European_Parliament
All the unelected head of states in Europe are democratic?
Which ones? The kings and queens who have no political powers, or the prime ministers who come from the party with the most votes?
Unelected heads of state is clear. I did not say heads of government.
Unelected heads of state is clear.
So the kings and queens who hold no political power?
History shows us that racism is to Europe as fish to the sea.
Racism was everywhere during human history.
That’s actually reassuring to hear, coming from you.
You’re welcome ^-^ 1 month ago
this is a nitpick, but Trump actually closely lost the popular vote once all sources were fully accounted for.…/2024-presidential-election-popular-vote… 1 month ago
Your source says Trump won the popular vote.
Harris got 74.46m votes and Trump got 76.94m votes in the graph.
And the US Election Atlas claims 77.1m for Trump and 74.7m Harris. 1 month ago
This was actually the next link down, but the one I went to post retracted since I read it. So yes, my post was in correct. 1 month ago
And close or not, Trump did win the popular vote. (and no, I didn’t vote for him.) 1 month ago
Drag can’t find your statement in this article. Did you send the right one?