Suprised? Had you put him on a pedastle in your mind? Did you think him to be more than a sniveling greedy capitalist prick? I’m sorry for this very harsh fall from artificial grace if so. I’d be careful about holding anyone with more than a few hundred million dollars to lose in too high esteem in the future.
Comment on Apple CEO Tim Cook Donating $1 Million to Trump's Inaugural Fund 1 month ago
What the fucking, fuck. 1 month ago 1 month ago
This is one of the reasons why I am gradually untying myself from the Apple ecosystem, and all of propriety/big tech; especially US based.
When push comes to shove capitalism will not resist fascism. They will ignore all stated virtue signals and choose profits.
Choosing E2E encrypted FOSS products, that are interoperable with FOSS standards/formats and do not lock you into walled gardens, are the only viable long term solution. 1 month ago
This might actually become the year of Linux on the desktop for me. 1 month ago
Try PopOS if you’re coming from Mac, it’s pretty easy to get used to! 1 month ago
My only-ever-windows SO just got a computer with PopOS on it (default) and it took some getting used to, but he loves it. I was like, “you know this is a Mac OS clone, right? 😏” and they were like 🤯