My favorite recently was when a friend said, “Reap the fruit of my loins”.
I love botched idioms so much. “It’s not rocket surgery” is my go to, but the best ones are unintentional (and completely torture the original).
Best I’ve heard lately was on the air, local NPR affiliate, and the unfortunate lass said something, complimenting I think a film director, saying “He’s hitting all cylinders at just the very top level”.
(The original is “firing on all cylinders”, which just describes an internal combustion engine working properly and not suffering from that particular degradation, cylinders misfiring. Hitting them, anywhere, let alone “at the top level”, is utter nonsense and it was delightful to me, she flat out abused that idiom) 2 weeks ago
You would love some of the “Fick-isms” from the Arisen book series.
“Hey! If you put your dirty dick beaters on her again I’m gonna light you on fire and put it out with a fork!” 2 weeks ago
Color me intrigued! 2 weeks ago
Its a zombie apocalypse book series following the last of the spec ops operators in the world as they hit hot zones and try to piece together the elements of the cure the world was working on before everywhere but the UK was overrun.
The Audiobook is particularly good. 2 weeks ago
Worst-case ontario
Passed with flying carpets
It’s not rocket appliances
It’s just water outta the fridge 2 weeks ago
Delicious. That last one especially, scrolls right off the tongue.
Feels like something Ricky from Trailer Park Boys would deliver. 2 weeks ago
Image 2 weeks ago
ENTIRELY possible that this exact line is what sent me down the path of noticing and loving tortured idioms. And I forgot all about it, so thanks!!