He was a fav, then fell out of favor as being an ass to everyone. Then he had a comeback, now he’s an ass again.
Comment on Bill Nye should host a New Year's Eve event and call it Bill's NYE
demesisx@infosec.pub 1 month ago
I met Bill in Boston on a trip to the Science museum. Perhaps we were annoying kids but I will never forget how much of a dickhead he was to everyone in my group including the teacher.
Fuck you, Bill Nye.
RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world 1 month ago
WindyRebel@lemmy.world 1 month ago
I’ve heard that he is an absolutely arrogant asshole from several people who I personally know that met him.
Septimaeus@infosec.pub 1 month ago
Interesting. He had a resurgence of popularity in the ‘10s. Watched some of his new content and remember being surprised by this egotistical, dysregulated old grump on screen, who was in a lot of ways the opposite of the man I watched on PBS as a kid. I kept it to myself but it seems every time I bump into him online it just solidifies that impression. Hope he gets the help he needs to get better.
henfredemars@infosec.pub 1 month ago
That’s a real shame. They say don’t meet your hero’s.
Lemminary@lemmy.world 1 month ago
It’s true. I met my heroine and now I can’t quit her. 😣