Comment on I cannot tell you a way my life has genuinely gotten better since the advent of "smart" phones. ⁨1⁩ ⁨month⁩ ago

Oh man where to start.

No tertiary devices. No GPS or iPod in my car. Just my phone. For so many useless gadgets. Cameras, video cameras…CALCULATORS, All in one place. That’s number 1.

2 would be that these devices are all a part of an ecosystem that grew so fast… Not only did our phones suddenly all have GPS, but it’d tell us about traffic. That used to be someone’s news beat. Gone, overnight

  1. Mobile browser. What?! You mean every time that annoying know it all friend starts confidently talking about something they know nothing about You can just Google it right in front of them instead if having it be some annoying thing.

  2. For better or worse, I am never bored.

That’s just the first few that come to mind…
