Comment on Septic clean out cap 1 month ago
Generally, regulations are for construction contractors. You likely won’t pass some kind of plumbing inspection if you hired a contractor to do something that requires a permit, but otherwise your free to do whatever. I’m no expert here and you should be doing due diligence. My old man does inspecting type work in another type of industry and this is how it was explained to me, but that is an unrelated field. Different regions may have very different regulations. 1 month ago
Erm, no? Most municipalities require building permits, even for homeowners to do work on their own home, and those permits require work be done to code.
Does that always happen? Of course not. I also went 5-10 over the speed limit on the freeway yesterday, but that doesn’t mean regulations are for commercial vehicles only. 1 month ago
There is usually a dollar amount involved for what can be done before a permit is required. You’re allowed to make minor changes required in the spirit of maintenance. So something like replacing a refrigerator and the old width being too small. If you cut the countertop to accommodate, no permit is legally required. The same can be said about almost every aspect of the home. That margin of what exactly is considered maintenance versus modification is what varies by area.
The other factor I’ve heard is that the changes must fall into what’s undefined on the blueprints of record. If it is not specified in the blueprints, you are free to make the changes.
Again, I’m no expert here. I really wish I had the option to remove the mod badge when I only wish to post as a user. I could certainly be wrong. This is intended as a helpful but just water cooler talk amongst friends level conversation. When it comes to house mods and permits, this is how everyone I know does things. 1 month ago
Plugging a device into an outlet (be it a refrigerator, phone charger, or even an EV charge cord) does not require a permit. That’s normal expected use. Counters are not regulated by code. There is nothing to get a permit for in your example, and not because of the dollar amount.
Adding an outlet to support that device would to ensure proper wire gauge, space covered by the breaker, GFCI protection, and stuff like that is done correctly.
But to say that regulations don’t apply to homeowners is wrong. You likely don’t need to be a licensed electrician or plumber or whatever to work on your own home, but the regulations of what you do/how you do it almost certainly apply. 1 month ago
Want to bet? In my county, it is technically a requirement to pull a permit and get permission from the county government to be install a window air conditioner. You know, the kind you slam the window shut on and plug into an outlet as the sum total of its “installation?”
Never underestimate the insanity of the petty egos who have small amounts of authority. 1 month ago
These guys seem to imply taking out a non load bearing wall does not require a permit: ……/when-do-i-need-a-permit
That implies all the electrical, flooring, ceiling, and attic work is not a factor either. Altering a load bearing wall would require permitting. That is how I’ve always heard it said too. It is not a great primary source, bit I don’t care more than a basic search and first link I see reply either, so it is confirmation biased as such.