Comment on Quantum anxiety sees Australia ban some crypto tech by 2030 2 months ago
Australia’s chief cyber security agency has decided local orgs should stop using the tech that forms the current cryptographic foundation of the internet by the year 2030 – years before other nations plan to do so – over fears that advances in quantum computing could render it insecure.
The proposal deprecates certain standards by 2030 – among them the RSA algorithm – and disallows them by 2035.
I wish Australia were this forward-thinking in other respects (like banning ICE vehicles), but this is pretty cool. UQ is one of the world’s leading research institutions in quantum computing so it does make sense. 2 months ago
We where thos forward thinking with the internet as a whole then the liberal party fucked it to the moon and back. 2 months ago
With respect, nah, not really. I mean, yeah the LNP fucked us over royally with the NBN. But even the original NBN was mostly a plan to catch up with what the rest of the developed world already had. It wasn’t an example of us leading the world. 2 months ago
They’re about to do the same with the energy grid! 2 months ago
Liberals: “You dont need fiber to the premises, OUR version will be cheaper and quicker.”
Narrator: it was not cheaper, or completed earlier and the speeds are worse.
Libs: “also we bought a shitload of fucked copper back off Telstra, who then laughed all the way to the bank”