Yeah it’s past time, the working class has basically lost the class war and we’re just running on fumes now. At the same time, the owner class is working double time to implement AI so they can employ even fewer of us.
Anyone not in a corporate atmosphere is probably not as privvy to this, but it’s insane the effort going into replacing human work with AI. Of course it’s all under the guise of ‘improving working conditions’ or ‘keeping current employee levels’ but in the end you know they’re salivating at the thought of firing a bunch of people.
And we can’t fight progress but we sure as hell should be fighting for some kind of UBI and share of the work that gets done by AI. 2 months ago
Looks like it’s been time for unrest for over fifty years now, since this kicked off in the early 70’s.
Image 2 months ago 2 months ago
That graph is probably the best one to show the exact moment where capitalism became absolutely obsolete. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Im guessing that elites took over the North American government and this time Smedley Butler wasn’t around to stop them.