There is an argument to be made that neither Dagoth Ur not the tribunal are strictly speaking “gods” by Elder Scrolls’ definitions. They have godlike powers thanks to the heart, but they are referred to as false gods by all the Deadric gods you interact with.
Heck, the main quest is basically Azura using you as her vessel to expose the falsity of the Tribunal’s claim to godhood.
Although, if you go one level deeper and you buy into Vivec actually achieving Chim, then it could be argued he is at least as godlike as Talos (who used his understanding of Chim to retcon the actual history of Tamriel). Which is another can of worms, because his godhood is also questioned and the whole reason his worship was outlawed in the white-gold concordant…
Oh Elder Scrolls lore, how I love your convoluted nature. 2 months ago
How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence. 2 months ago
I remember that the sound of his voice surprised me a lot, but I really like it. It honestly sounds a lot more normal than I would have expected - but I guess the voice is the difference between a god and a fake god! 2 months ago
Someone had to put it in a song