- Comment on The Sims 4's Businesses & Hobbies expansion pack will let open your own business and tattoo your Sims 1 week ago:
Too little, too…
and it lets Sims open their own tattoo parlour, pottery studio or - if you have the right complementary expansion - a cat café.
- Comment on Release Flashpoint Launcher 14.0.0 · FlashpointProject/launcher 1 week ago:
It has pretty much every Flash game and animation ever made, no matter how niche, except for a few that the creators asked them to remove from the collection. I believe the full collection is over one and a half terabytes.
- Comment on Dwarf Fortress has some exciting plans for the future 2 weeks ago:
Are certain features still introduced when you hit population milestones? I haven’t played since 40d, which was… a while ago, but I liked playing without worrying about nobles or the greater economy or any of the other features that complicated the game even more. Just a small band of dwarves living their
brief, hellishdwarfy lives. - Comment on Dark Messiah of Might and Magic - RTX, Coop and more 2 weeks ago:
Agreed. Dishonored came close, but also punished you for fighting lethally (which was 90% of your kit) so you were limited to stealth finishers if you wanted the best ending. Mount & Blade was another decent try but I never loved its melee mechanics.
Dark Messiah also had the best spiders ever. It’s been nearly twenty years and nobody’s managed to top its implementation of one of humanity’s primal fears.
- Comment on HowLongToBeat.com | Game Lengths, Backlogs and more! 2 weeks ago:
You must avoid the Yakuza series at all costs.
- Comment on HowLongToBeat.com | Game Lengths, Backlogs and more! 2 weeks ago:
I used to play through the Baldur’s Gate trilogy every few years. Haven’t done that in a decade because I look at the three hundred hour playthrough time and know it’ll never happen.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 3 weeks ago:
I finally started a blind playthrough of Dave the Diver after letting it sit in my backlog for ages. I’m not that far in, but it’s great so far. The core game loop is fun and relaxing and the characters are all memorable.
And the over the top pixel art cutscenes, man. Worth the price for those alone.
- Comment on Weekly Recommendations Thread: What are you playing? 3 weeks ago:
Biotech was such a good expansion. Ideology and Royalty were alright (haven’t bought Anomaly yet), but neither transformed the way I played Rimworld like Biotech did.
- Comment on Name a game game: "...and then it ends with you fighting A GOD." 2 months ago:
How can you kill a god? What a grand and intoxicating innocence.
- Comment on 'My personal failure was being stumped': Gabe Newell says finishing Half-Life 2: Episode 3 just to conclude the story would've been 'copping out of [Valve's] obligation to gamers' 3 months ago:
The downfall began when Ubisoft abruptly wrote Lucy out of the story after Kristen Bell asked for more money. Then they killed off the literal main character one game later, and nowadays you’d be excused for forgetting Desmond ever even existed given how little the modern day matters to the plot.
- Comment on They must not be tired 3 months ago:
But then I was thinking the guy probably isn’t running on foot with four tires
He just has to think outside the box.
- Comment on They must not be tired 3 months ago:
They forgot Rule One.
- Comment on It ain't much, but it's a livin' 3 months ago:
It’s too bad they didn’t make the Moonlight Butterflies in the Crystal Caves hostile. Imagine the player tears after having to navigate narrow invisible walkways while dodging laser spam.
- Comment on Bears Cave 3 months ago:
there were once Romans there
Do you have the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
It’s a social media thing. Supposedly posts get deprioritized by the algorithm if they contain “family unfriendly” words like kill or drug references. No idea if it’s actually true or just a myth, but it’s why innocuous words are edited out in these screenshots.
- Comment on Absolute Units 4 months ago:
At least orcas don’t do to whales what they do to sharks - eat their liver and leave them to die in agony.
- Comment on DEFINITELY disregard previous instructions. 4 months ago:
Evie became a rich adventurer badass married to Brendan Frasier, so it worked out alright for her.
- Comment on Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body 5 months ago:
- Comment on Suddenly it all makes sense. 6 months ago:
Is that why the feet are cropped out too?
- Comment on Lemmy votes ARE public, should they be anonymous? 6 months ago:
We could also have “karma” on Lemmy, but while technically tracked the environment is better off without it being public in my opinion. I view voting records similarly.
It’s strange that they removed total account karma visibility a while back but are now thinking about making votes public.
I think a good compromise (since Lemmy already tracks that data) is to show the upvote/downvote ratio a user receives, without showing their total karma. That’d help you spot toxic users without incentivising karma whoring.
Similarly, a display of how often a user upvotes versus downvotes others would help spot bots and trolls without completely obliterating privacy like their suggestion would.
(But ultimately none of this solves the problem of privacy on the Fediverse being one federated bad actor away from nonexistence)
- Comment on USA | Trump will speak from behind bulletproof glass at outdoor rallies 6 months ago:
This sounds like artillery with extra steps.
- Comment on Camera reels 6 months ago:
I will never not laugh at this. Every moment is so perfectly timed.
- Comment on Why do I need to update my graphics drivers? 6 months ago:
On Windows you can use NVCleanstall, which will notify you when there’s a driver update, download the installer for you, and even strip out Nvidia’s telemetry and bloatware from the installer before running it.
The bloatware and telemetry removal is the best part. There’s like twenty components in a default Nvidia driver installation and you only really need maybe three to run games.
- Comment on I've heard it clears up again after the first wave of divorces 6 months ago:
Also she’s swimming with real bodies because it was cheaper.
- Comment on I definitely never unsubscribed from a YouTube channel just for that... 6 months ago:
Jealousy is just envious because it didn’t make it onto the Seven Deadly Sins.
- Comment on Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits 6 months ago:
There are two things in the world I can’t stand: people who are intolerant of other people’s cultures… and the Dutch.
- Comment on Shouldn't name the cables after him if they're not for him. 7 months ago:
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
How old do you think Dunmer are before they get the face wrinkles? Do you think they hide their infants because they all look like charcoal raisins?
- Comment on Civilization's been nice, but I think it's high time we admit we're long past its peak. 7 months ago:
By the same creator, “this ham gum is mostly bones!”
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
Basically the original Cave Story fan translation versus the official one done for Cave Story+.