You are allied with genociders? Lmao the hezbollah and iran are the one fighting ISIS. The west gave weapons to kurds and then left then to die like cowards.
Comment on Lone Soldiers. New Australian IDF recruits due to arrive in Israel in January 2 months agoSmall difference, ISIS are the most disgusting animals/people on the planet, the most extreme militant muslims in a world full of extremist muslims.
The muslims who left Australia to go join ISIS were looking forward to gang raping children, beheading anyone who doesn’t join islam and committing an actual genocide:
Over a period of three years, Islamic State militants trafficked thousands of Yazidi women and girls and killed thousands of Yazidi men;[14] the United Nations reported that the Islamic State killed about 5,000 Yazidis[5] and trafficked about 10,800 Yazidi women and girls in a “forced conversion campaign”[15][16] throughout Iraq. By 2015, upwards of 71% of the global Yazidi population was displaced by the genocide, with most Yazidi refugees having fled to Iraq’s Kurdistan Region and Syria’s Rojava
The IDF are our allies and are fighting the people like this…/one-tiktok-video-led-rescue-isis-se…
She was repeatedly raped and traded between different fighters, according to the newspaper.
After being married to a 24-year-old Palestinian from Gaza. who was allegedly a member of Hamas, she was taken to the Isis stronghold of Raqqa. 2 months ago 2 months ago
Lmao the hezbollah and iran are the one fighting ISIS.
Many, many groups and states are fighting ISIS, even the Western alliances. There are thousands of reasons to criticize the zionist regime, so please avoid coming over here and posting weird claims like suggesting only Hezbollah and Iran are combating ISIS - there’s no point in playing out the liberalist ‘good guy’/‘bad guy’ fantasy and ending up with american-level exceptionalism like this. Genocide is genocide, and Hezbollah and Iran are defending themselves against the expanding genocidal zionist regime. 2 months ago
Whatevs. I avoid talking to aussies online coz it usually means I stared at my screen too late. No offense but you’re on the other side of the world so. Nitynite 2 months ago
The west gave weapons to kurds and then left then to die like cowards.
If you cannot argue accurately please don’t bother arguing at all.
The bulk of CJTF-OIR’s combat operations have consisted of airstrikes against Islamic State; various ground forces have been deployed including special forces, artillery, training, and military advisors. The United States accounts for the vast majority of airstrikes (75–80%), with the remainder conducted by Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, Belgium, the Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the United Kingdom.[22] Although the task force is not under NATO, all 32 members of the military alliance are contributing to CJTF-OIR.[23]
By the end of 2017, CJTF-OIR stated that its airstrikes had killed over 80,000 ISIL fighters.[24] The coalition also provided $3.5 billion in military equipment to the Iraqi Armed Forces,[25] billions more to the Peshmerga, and trained 189,000 Iraqi soldiers and police.[26] It has also provided significant support to the Syrian Democratic Forces, with which it coordinates various operations.[27] 2 months ago
How do you live with yourself mate? Are you pride of being a genocide apologist? 2 months ago
Typical westoid. All you guys can do is pay for bombs, empower fascists and hope for the best. 2 months ago
An Aussie being a racist, genocide apologising ?
Man the Brits were evil for dumping their worse in the innocent natives. Hope you get violently decolonized. 2 months ago
Small difference, ISIS are the most disgusting
animals/people on the planetThat’s a similarity, not a difference. The main difference is that the zionist regime does comparable acts of torture and genocide at a systematic state level, enabled by its allies.
Whether one group is muslim or not makes no difference in this context. Australian citizens are being recruited to engage in a genocidal conquest, no point in saying one is better than the other. 2 months ago
The IDF are committing genocide.