Actually, drag is engaged to marry a very sexy dragon. Drag has plenty of game. But then, drag has the full use of drag’s body. Pretty hard to have game from inside a wheelchair paralysed from the neck down. Stephen Hawking managed it, but he was a super genius. Disabled people shouldn’t need to be Stephen Hawking in order to be treated like a person. And when society fails to treat the disabled like people, it’s the responsibility of the government to step in. As you would know if you’d read the article, for many disabled people the sex worker is the first one to treat them like a person. Because they are a professional who is trained to deal with disabled people and not to react with disgust or pity. That experience goes far beyond sex, but because we live in a regressive society, somehow we have ended up with sex workers being the only ones trained to provide this experience.
Then again, maybe we could pay 300 an hour for them to see a psychologist with a Master’s degree instead. Would that be more economical? 2 months ago
I love drag posts ♥️ 2 months ago
Referring to drag by drag’s pronouns in a place where you’d normally use drag’s name reminds drag of HIM from the powerpuff girls. A creature with no name, so people only use HIS pronoun. Unlike HIM, drag has a name. It’s Dragon Rider.