The issue isn’t assisted dying, the issue is capitalists trying to destroy our healthcare system.
My grandma got an euthanasia. She took ten years to express her will and when her backpain took all her quality of life, she ended it. It was a moment of grace and with the perspective I wouldn’t have wanted her to die any other way. She was 87, lived standing, stayed openminded and present until the end, died in dignity. 3 months ago
In Canada it turned into a cost cutting measure. There are several instances of people being euthanised as they had no other option. Like someone with EDS being refused treatment in America, or an ex-serviceman being refused a wheelchair ramp and offered euthanasia instead. 3 months ago
UK gov cuts food for children in school, cuts energy for elderly people, engage in war with a nuclear armed country. But when they start euthanasing the population its because they are concerned with the well being of people. 3 months ago
It’s the cheaper thing to do, lol. Soon they’ll stop offering palliative care as part of “budget cuts” (Kier needs a new suit) and this’ll be their excuse