You are being downvoted for telling the truth. People who think the state will use this to “help” those in need have no idea how politics work
Comment on MPs vote in favour of historic bill to allow assisted dying after emotional debate 3 months ago
Progress? It’ll progress until they use this as a way to shorten the NHS waiting list. “Would you like to suffer for three years or die instead”. Or better yet, “We can’t give you that, but we can euthanise you” 3 months ago 3 months ago
In Canada it turned into a cost cutting measure. There are several instances of people being euthanised as they had no other option. Like someone with EDS being refused treatment in America, or an ex-serviceman being refused a wheelchair ramp and offered euthanasia instead. 3 months ago
UK gov cuts food for children in school, cuts energy for elderly people, engage in war with a nuclear armed country. But when they start euthanasing the population its because they are concerned with the well being of people. 3 months ago
It’s the cheaper thing to do, lol. Soon they’ll stop offering palliative care as part of “budget cuts” (Kier needs a new suit) and this’ll be their excuse 3 months ago
The issue isn’t assisted dying, the issue is capitalists trying to destroy our healthcare system.
My grandma got an euthanasia. She took ten years to express her will and when her backpain took all her quality of life, she ended it. It was a moment of grace and with the perspective I wouldn’t have wanted her to die any other way. She was 87, lived standing, stayed openminded and present until the end, died in dignity. 3 months ago
You look like an innocent person so i will explain the issue to you in good faith. Every bad thing that a gov has to do, they start by doing it in the name of the “good thing to do”. So first they ban homophobic books, they euthanise the ones in need, they censor people who talk offensive things, etc. But this opens the door to ban books, to euthanise people, to censor what you say. The first step is always “in the name of the good”. But politics is not a single moment, it keeps going on. Once the door is open, more or less anyone can go. Can you imagine when they start euthanising felons, for example? Do you think that if the prison wants to kill a felon, the felon will be able to argue that its actually a death sentence and they are not suffering & domt want to die? Just wait and you will see how this goes. And since its Kid Starver thars your PM now, i dont think this process will take long 3 months ago
I’m not an innocent person and I have done unspeakable things. But sure, I’m in good faith mate :)
The issue is the same with genetic therapy vs eugenism. Wanting a child to be born without disease isn’t the same as a policy to eliminate genes.
I fully understand your defiance toward the state of course, we must be very careful not to I understand your concern, now let’s be honest. If the state wants to kill you, it does, it doesn’t embarrass itself with legality. And what’s the alternative? Leaving people on respirators for years?
Kinda like abortion, or drugs, you cannot really outlaw consensual acts that happens between the doctor and the patient imho. Legalizing weed opens the door for mandatory weed, yes, but how realistic is that. 3 months ago
Brains dead take. 3 months ago
It’s literally canada