Renaldo thinks that one crab is sexy at least
Comment on don't be a coward 2 months ago
You guys should read the Stormlight archives. Fuckin everything is a crab. 2 months ago 2 months ago
And the feeling is mutual 2 months ago
Fucking furries 2 months ago
Pretty sure they’re not at the fucking stage yet, but one can hope 2 months ago
Cytoverse too 2 months ago
Why don’t I remember this? 2 months ago
Axehounds, Parshendi, chulls, chasmfiends, singling, rockbuds, etc. 2 months ago
I couldn’t finish the first book. :(( 2 months ago
Way of Kings is honestly a more like a prequel for the series. It’s pretty much ONLY setting up the characters and world building. So if you don’t get into that you might not finish. 2 months ago
Way of Kings is the best book in the series, so if you didn’t like that, then you won’t like the series.
Jordan tended to ramble (especially about women’s clothing), but I wouldn’t say he was a worse writer. Some of his writing was exceptional. It started tapering off near the end because he was dying. Book 11 especially is a hard slog. But when he was healthy he had some great writing.
Sanderson is a great writer too, but he uses a different pacing style, which is more modern. So his writing will click more with people today. I really loved how it picked the pace back up with WoT after the slog, brought it all together, and finished the epic story. Jordan had extensive notes, and he and Sanderson worked together to ensure the story was finished. I really love that Sanderson respected Jordan’s work, and finished it as Jordan would have instead of trying to make it his own thing.
I love both authors, and have read all of WoT and everything Sanderson has written. If you want to give an original Sanderson book a try, start with Mistborn. That book is very good, and isn’t a 1000 page introduction to a 14,000 page saga. It’s short and there are two more books that conclude the trilogy. He wrote more Mistborn books later, but they’re in a whole different era, and weren’t to my liking. The original trilogy is great! 2 months ago
I tired it too. Just don’t like him. 2 months ago
I have the same issue. I just can’t seem to be hooked by Sanderson’s writing. I’ve tried a few and I can’t settle in to them at all. I love WoT, but couldn’t even finish it. 2 months ago
Way of Kings is the best book in the series, so if you didn’t like that, then you won’t like the series.
Jordan tended to ramble (especially about women’s clothing), but I wouldn’t say he was a worse writer. Some of his writing was exceptional. It started tapering off near the end because he was dying. Book 11 especially is a hard slog. But when he was healthy he had some great writing.
Sanderson is a great writer too, but he uses a different pacing style, which is more modern. So his writing will click more with people today. I really loved how it picked the pace back up with WoT after the slog, brought it all together, and finished the epic story. Jordan had extensive notes, and he and Sanderson worked together to ensure the story was finished. I really love that Sanderson respected Jordan’s work, and finished it as Jordan would have instead of trying to make it his own thing.
I love both authors, and have read all of WoT and everything Sanderson has written. If you want to give an original Sanderson book a try, start with Mistborn. That book is very good, and isn’t a 1000 page introduction to a 14,000 page saga. It’s short and there are two more books that conclude the trilogy. He wrote more Mistborn books later, but they’re in a whole different era, and weren’t to my liking. The original trilogy is great!