Check ebay for TSA items. You can get 100 nice Swiss Army Knives for a couple of bucks each. Or fuck it, buy by the pound.…
Seriously, put TSA in the search and see what all you find.
Check ebay for TSA items. You can get 100 nice Swiss Army Knives for a couple of bucks each. Or fuck it, buy by the pound.…
Seriously, put TSA in the search and see what all you find. 3 months ago
I’m not sure which I find more disturbing: this practice, or that you know so much about it to be able to comment on a differentiation of trends over several years. 3 months ago
Learned about TSA eBay sales on reddit a few years ago. Bought a 50-pack of Swiss Army knives to restore for office stocking stuffers. Went from there.