Idiot conservatives believe raw milk has more nutrients and that its better to be exposed to more harmful bacteria because that will build up your natural immunity, and can prevent you from developing asthma and allergies.
But none of that is true.
Raw milk has no more nutrients than pastuerized milk.
The ‘crowd exposure immunity’ approach just results in needless deaths and suffering, little to no functional natural immunity increase as bacteria variants evolve too fast, as well as providing more vectors for viruses in birds and cows to jump into humans and then mutate to spread from human to human, a potential pandemic.
And raw milk consumption has no effect on liklihood of developing, nor treating already existing asthma or allergies. 2 months ago
They’re idiots. Some believe it’s because pasteurized milk had added chemicals, which isn’t correct, pasteurization is simply heat. But idiots will be idiots.
For others it’s the general anti-science/education bullshit going around now. The crossover with the anti-vax is nearly a circle it seems. 2 months ago
“I’m going to buy the least healthy version of the least healthy kind of milk.” —Folks concerned about their health
I genuinely feel bad. It’s like they’re so close. Going out of your way to care about your health is good. Challenging broad societal assumptions is good. It’s just that this completely fell apart when they arrived at the “now weigh the sources critically” stage. 2 months ago
Can’t cure stupid unfortunately