- Comment on Google searches for deleting Facebook, Instagram explode after Meta ends fact-checking 1 month ago:
That last one isn’t true, but I agree with the rest
- Comment on USA | Bird flu detected in raw milk sold in California as fears rise of virus spreading 3 months ago:
Can’t cure stupid unfortunately
- Comment on Lindsey Graham warns US allies over Netanyahu warrant: "Crush your economy" 3 months ago:
Get fucked Lindsey
- Comment on Thousands of UK farmers protest against inheritance tax hike 3 months ago:
Also a possibility yeah, probably a mix of both
- Comment on Thousands of UK farmers protest against inheritance tax hike 3 months ago:
Oh look more entitled rich farmers who think they’re special
- Comment on Valve must address swastikas and other hate on Steam, writes US senator in a letter to Gabe Newell 3 months ago:
Calls other people fascist bootlickers, votes for Trump, you’re a special kind of stupid aren’t you
- Comment on Anon questions our energy sector 3 months ago:
You go on thinking renewables are ever going to replace fossil fuel while we charge full tilt to our doom
- Comment on Innocent Israelis, Bad Arabs? How the Media Scripted Amsterdam's Soccer Violence 3 months ago:
- Comment on Innocent Israelis, Bad Arabs? How the Media Scripted Amsterdam's Soccer Violence 3 months ago:
Doesn’t mean the Israelis were innocent
- Comment on The Signal 5 months ago:
- Comment on Just released my game, Amata, into early access! The whole campaign is ready to play and there is a free demo! <33 6 months ago:
I will for sure check this out, I love games like this
- Comment on Pornhub prepares to block five more states rather than check IDs 8 months ago:
It is Dr Cox
- Comment on With two Boeing whistleblowers dead in one month, either Boeing is actively killing them, or there are enough whistleblowers that this rate of death is not statistically significant 10 months ago:
Are you a humble tailor by any chance?
- Comment on How does the day-to-day work of not wearing shoes in the house? 10 months ago:
I have a question, do you put on your shoes when you wake up if you’re not going anywhere?
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Going to?
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
I’m not buying it, I have a Fairphone 3 and I’ll use it for as long as it works
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
Headphone jacks also exist, so I won’t be buying this phone.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
That seems to be most people, but for me it’s a deal breaker.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
It makes no sense to me, their whole deal is sustainability, by removing the headphone jack it forces me to buy Bluetooth headphones that all have batteries in them and are presumably not up to Fairphone standards of sustainability.
And saying we’re just following market trends sounds like a shitty explanation to me. I have the 3, I’ll use it for as long as it works but after that no Fairphone for me.
- Comment on The Fairphone 5 is less about what comes in the box and more about what you get over the years 1 year ago:
Fuck them for removing the headphone jack, it makes no sense at all
- Comment on Goodbye MatPat, thanks for everything 1 year ago:
- Comment on Selling Weapons to Israel Could Make UK Complicit in War Crimes, Human Rights Watch Says 1 year ago:
Because now there is negative publicly associated with it
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Oh I know this one!
The answer is never, and you can forget ever retiring
- Comment on Netflix is planning to raise prices… again 1 year ago:
“When will the greed stop?”
- Comment on Tinder Launches $499 USD-Per-Month "Tinder Select" Membership 1 year ago:
It’s to keep those filthy poors out
- Comment on Streaming giants have banded together for lobbying power 1 year ago:
Just call it what it is: bribing power
- Comment on France’s browser-based website blocking proposal will set a disastrous precedent for the open internet 1 year ago:
“Well intentioned” my pasty white ass it’s well intentioned, they know exactly what they are doing. Fuck these people