Comment on What are your favorite 1000+ hour games? 3 months agoYou are very brave for playing Starfield for 1,000 hours. I gave up after 25 hours when I completed the entire quest line and started new game plus. Literally couldn’t do it. Went and played some No Man’s sky, and now that’s becoming my new addiction 3 months ago
I still play Starfield, I really like the game but have it modded a lot now.
Never had any fun with No man’s sky, for me the story is boring and the rest of the game can’t hook me. In my eyes Starfield is a way better game, but I can see and understand why other think different about this. 3 months ago
But like what are you doing Starfield for that long? I feel like after 25 hours I had seen and experienced everything that there was to offer. What else is there left to do? 3 months ago
There is so much to do and to see in the game, I have so many hours in and still find new stuff that I had not seen before.
25h is barely the main quest and there is so much else to see and do then the main quest. Faction quests, side quests, radiant quests, base building, ship building, new game plus, DLC, mods.
Starfield is packed full with stuff to discover, people just have to be open for the game. Yes it has lots of flaws, the awful temple puzzle was the first thing that I changed with mods, and yes the loading screens are not great. I can forgive the game it’s flaws, maybe because I never over hyped it as so much other did.
I am playing Bethesda games for over 20 years now, since Morrowind, and I have a very good idea what to expect from a Bethesda game and where the strength and limitations of the engine are. Due to this I never expected to be able to do atmospheric flights or to travel over huge parts of the planet in one go, or to have huge interplanetary or interstellar areas. The engine is not made for that kind of things, not at all, so I never expected the game to have those features and so my expectations for the game were very similar to the delivered product. 3 months ago
Tbh If I had a friend who has it on Steam I’d probably try it through library sharing but I don’t.