Comment on We are a lot more alike than we are different 3 months ago“I am vry smrt. Boog Brian here”
When someone wants to take away my freedoms or human rights. they are the enemy.
what you said is like telling a rape victim that they didn’t ask if their rapist consented to raping them and so they asked to be raped because they didn’t confirm they were indeed being raped.
wtf is wrong with people. bad people do bad things. punch bad people in the face and get it over with. we don’t need to understand why they did it. fuck them up. 3 months ago
I don’t see the need for insults.
These “human rights” were given to you by the current established powers. When those powers change the definition of good and bad do so as well. That was the intended message of my original comment.
It is naive to say “we don’t need to understand why they did it” when, taking your stance here, it’s imperative in preventing the “enemy” from taking away your “freedoms”. But I see it differently, take one of my favorite quotes: “You judge yourself based on your own intentions, and judge everyone else on their actions”. Call it optimistic, but I don’t believe most people intend to cause harm, but make their choices based on their experiences and understanding of the matter.
So, I feel it’s ridiculous to proclaim anyone as enemy, especially withstanding their reasoning. But you do not have to agree with this.