Don’t use a RPI for hosting
Get a cheap used workstation instead
Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago
Used it for Minecraft server for a week then never used it again. Don’t know anything it would be good for that my computer can’t already do better tbh
Don’t use a RPI for hosting
Get a cheap used workstation instead
Care to elaborate? What’s wrong with “hosting” on a rpi?
Underpowered and over priced
Modern amd64 CPUs will run circles around it. Pickup something with a i5-6500 and you will have a much better experience. You also could go older or newer depending on what you are doing.
I have a pi4 and been very happy with the dimensions and low power usage. What could I get for the same price and power use?
Genuine question. Im looking at a pi5 right now.
Or one of those 1L business PC’s
yeah I just ended up using my PC as it is pretty much always on anyways 3 months ago
You could give it to me .