Lol Trump doesn’t pay his bills. He still owes several cities from campaign rallies he held in like 2015. He’s infamous for not paying his bills.
There is no chance that Trump paid for this.
Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 2 months agoThe taxpayer doesn’t pay for his meals, actually. Came as a surprise to the Obamas they said once.
Lol Trump doesn’t pay his bills. He still owes several cities from campaign rallies he held in like 2015. He’s infamous for not paying his bills.
There is no chance that Trump paid for this.
I guarantee Trump finagled the taxpayer to pay for stuffing his greasy pedo face and all of his chomo friends
White House chefs who prepare the president’s meals are paid by the government.
I am confusing by this. He pays his meals, but the chefs are paid by the government? So he only pays for the ingredients? 2 months ago
I heard about the President being billed for services in an interview with Laura Bush.