Morrowind is great and people should definitely play it, but god damn will it not meet the need of feeling badass. It makes you feel like a wooden chess piece and you just get used to it.
Those spells area very cool, though.
Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind lets you fly around, jump over whole cities, and kill most NPCs with one high powered spell. It’s a very unique game, but if it clicks with you there’s nothing quite like it. Vibrant modding scene too.
The base game is certainly playable, but if you want modern resolutions and some vanilla-friendly bug fixes OpenMW is an open source recreation of the engine, there’s instructions on their website.
Morrowind is great and people should definitely play it, but god damn will it not meet the need of feeling badass. It makes you feel like a wooden chess piece and you just get used to it.
Those spells area very cool, though.
I really struggled to get into modding with Morrowind. I’m so used to mod launchers that make it so easy and I was expecting the same with openmw but nah.
You can install mods directly into the OG game directory, why OpenMW doesnt tell you that I dont know. Only problem is that ya need to do trouble shooting the old fashioned way. 3 months ago
Morrowind was always my favorite Elder Scrolls game, but I’m probably biased since it was my first. The tech, while good for its time, was always the #1 thing holding it back for modern times. Hadn’t heard about OpenMW, but now I’ll have to check it out. 3 months ago
Check out Tamriel Rebuilt too! It’s a mod to add the mainland that, while incomplete, already has 100s of quests. Good quality control too.