Comment on Fastest Animal 3 months ago
Took me a second to get it. Well done 👏🏻
Wanna explain it for my friend who doesn’t get it?
His name is Peregrin Took. The falcon is called a peregrine falcon and it’s quite the fast animal.
I hope this helped your friend. If not, I can offer more support and guidance
Explain it to my friend too
Done. Please ask your friend to check my other comment 🙏🏻
Are peregrine falcons the fastest or something?
Yes when they dive from great heights they are technically the fastest.
One has been recorded reaching 242 mph in a stoop. Nothing else comes close. 3 months ago
Wanna explain it for my friend who doesn’t get it? 3 months ago
His name is Peregrin Took. The falcon is called a peregrine falcon and it’s quite the fast animal.
I hope this helped your friend. If not, I can offer more support and guidance 3 months ago
Explain it to my friend too 3 months ago
Done. Please ask your friend to check my other comment 🙏🏻 3 months ago
Are peregrine falcons the fastest or something? 3 months ago
Yes when they dive from great heights they are technically the fastest. 3 months ago
One has been recorded reaching 242 mph in a stoop. Nothing else comes close.