Comment on 3G Shutdown: 258,000 4G/5G Phones to be Blocked from November! - Gov Blocking Rules Now 'In Force'! ⁨3⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

I’m late to all of this going on but now am very much impacted by it.

The end of the BYOD phones. Using a Xperia 1 V that is now to be near to useless when out, and I am only 1 of 250,000+ people who are gonna be pushed into buying phone directly from telco instead of actually picking phones that suite our interests and needs (as well as OS for those running another that isn’t adroid or iOS).

I’ve connected Sony to see if they will comment on the matter, but it is ashamed this has happened at all in the first place.

I would recommend anyone to read James Parkers full article on the matter:…/australias-3g-shutdown-telcos-to-blo…

I apologize If this isn’t the right place to post this.
