Escorts are luxury accessories you take to upscale events for “smoozin & boozin”.
They’ll even fuck you if you gain their interest or are rich enough. Think of them like geisha. Beautiful, seductive, multifaceted and cultured.
Who are you so wise in the ways of sex workers?
Escorts are luxury accessories you take to upscale events for “smoozin & boozin”.
They’ll even fuck you if you gain their interest or are rich enough. Think of them like geisha. Beautiful, seductive, multifaceted and cultured. 4 months ago
I can’t believe my sleep addled brain read this as “e-scorts” like it was some new gaming thing. 4 months ago
Careful, some tech bro will take that and get a billion dollars in venture capital for “eScorts: Uber for hookers”. 4 months ago
How quickly can you write up a proposal? We can have GPT get us a mockup of the ui by tomorrow and be ready for production by Friday…
Did I say all of that correctly? 4 months ago
Just throw in AI there and we’re good! 4 months ago
You know… That’s not a bad idea.
We had call girls back in the 80s and 90s. They were good as long as you had some blow.
Now, I’m not so sure. I guess they are traveling onlyfans blowing through metro cities like tumbleweeds.