Sir this is a Wendy’s
Comment on What I learned from 3 years of running Windows 11 on “unsupported” PCs 4 months agoI started wetting the bed again when I was 11. It continued every few nights until I was 18.
Then it turns out I wasn’t urinating at all. I was just raised in a very controlling home, which meant I had no idea what masturbation was.
It wasn’t until I started having sex that I found out I had been having wet dreams for years, and getting made fun of for it by my dad.
Now my dad is in his 70s, and wonders why nobody will talk to him anymore. Newsflash asshole! You can’t talk to mommy anymore! 103 is a great age to live to, but people aren’t immortal. 4 months ago 4 months ago
a two panel comic. the first one shows a person in a car driver’s seat with a speech bubble indicating that he’s saying the above comment. the second panel shows a terrified drive-thru worker whom the person is apparently addressing with their speech 4 months ago
Look man, I don’t know what to tell ya. If you didn’t want to read about my penis, then you should have stabbed your eyes out with a fork as a child.
My penis is like Visa. It’s everywhere you want to be!