Physical rentals are still legal. This is only about the legality of online rom downloads.
Comment on Feds Say You Don’t Have a Right to Check Out Retro Video Games Like Library Books 4 months agoWe used to rent these games from Blockbuster Video! On DVD when we had DVD burners and little to no drm! How did it suddenly not become acceptable? 4 months ago 4 months ago
I’m speaking mainly of the distrust against the public having access for fear that we’d abuse it and not give them a cut. We can’t have access to these things now, but we used to. Regardless of form, regardless of piracy.
It’s more of a move to restrict ownership when you make a purchase, that has a farther reach than just games. I could see this being applied to cars, houses, etc. In that you only rent a license, and don’t actually own anything. I see this as just a first step, and the logic they use to justify it doesn’t make sense. 4 months ago
We can’t have access to these things now, but we used to.
??? There was no change. It was always illegal. This was a petition to change it to be legal and the petition was denied.
Despite it being illegal, Internet Archive has hosted and I hope will continue to host roms collections like tiny best set go. 4 months ago
Lobbying. The greedy fucks will lobby until they get their way