In the name of even dumber stupid internet arguments, it was. Data loss along with the price paid was an obvious inference.
In the name of stupid internet arguments it wasn’t though. You were referring to a financial loss. 4 months ago 4 months ago
I don’t see it. Original statement applies perfectly well to an expensive blender for example. 4 months ago
And yet the entire context is discussing an expensive SSD that would go bad, inherently implying data loss as part of the inferred outcomes. Not a blender or a crock pot or the LCD display of a 1997 Honda Civic radio. 4 months ago
It’s the wrong explicit emphasis though. Faced with a bad 8tb drive my primary concern would likely be the data loss. It’s pretty well known these drives have a five year warranty as well, so if it were bricked even, you’d likely be able to get the money back / drive replaced. 4 months ago
I see what you mean. I did mean both, and I should have made it clearer. Sorry. 4 months ago
Well that’s very non internet of you. Thankfully I found someone else to bicker with about it. 4 months ago
😂 fucking fuck you you fucking piece of shit asshole you human garbage waste of oxygen you are. Is that what you mean by internet of me? 4 months ago
Not even one mention of my mother?