Fuck Windows Recall, and fuck Microsoft generally for being so fucking awful to their customers
Always has been.
Comment on Windows Recall is secretly installed on non-Copilot+PCs (Privacy Nightmare)
voracitude@lemmy.world 3 months agoEven if all the processing remained on my devices, I still wouldn’t want or trust it. Microsoft could change that policy at any time, claim something like my logging in to my local account constituted agreeing to their new terms, and expose screenshots of my password manager in an unsecured public data store.
Fuck Windows Recall, and fuck Microsoft generally for being so fucking awful to their customers but mainly fuck them for forcing me to finally make good on my threat to switch to Linux. I’ve been using Windows for over thirty years and switching off their spyware for ten, but this is the final straw.
Fuck Windows Recall, and fuck Microsoft generally for being so fucking awful to their customers
Always has been.
OutlierBlue@lemmy.ca 3 months ago
I ditched Microsoft on my new build back in Feb. I installed Mint and it’s been a really smooth transition for me. I can still do everything I used to, although I know there are some use cases where it’s a problem for people. All the games I’ve tried run well.
But it does give me peace of mind that someone isn’t going to change my settings in a way that benefits them in a patch. I feel like I’m working with my OS to get things done instead of wrestling against what some corporate MBA wants.
voracitude@lemmy.world 3 months ago
No joke, that’s the distro I’m going with 🙌 Mint is great!
archonet@lemy.lol 3 months ago
Mint is the distro of choice for people who want to work on their computer, not work on their computer.
Like I’m glad for all the nerds who change distros as often as they change pairs of pants, but some of us only want to have a computer that just works and doesn’t give us shit.
voracitude@lemmy.world 3 months ago
It’s funny you say that, because in my experience what you’re describing is Arch. Mint, meanwhile, was the first time I’d used Linux and had it “just work”. What distro are you using that you don’t have to “fiddle-fuck around” with it at all?